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tahan minyak bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tahan minyak"
  • tahan:    hardy; last; proof against; proofed against;
  • minyak:    black-gold; dowser; oil; oils; gas pedal;
  • tahan:    hardy; last; proof against; proofed against; -proof; hold; proof; resist; resistant; stand for; wear; abide; jail; long-lived; pick up; lag; nail; vibrant; hold up; stick; tolerance; support; lean o
  • minyak:    black-gold; dowser; oil; oils; gas pedal; half-and-half dressing; throttle; naphtha; crude oil; kerosine; adipose tissue; oil colour; petroleum; gun; fossil oil; black gold; fat; fatty tissue; oil c
  • barang tahan:    durable goods
  • boleh tahan:    not bad
  • cek tahan:    bounced cheque
  • dapat tahan:    wearable
  • daya tahan:    endurance; stamina; resistance; tolerance; resistor; ohmic resistance; electric resistance; immunity; sufferance; survival; supersoldier; electrical resistance; underground; resistivity; impedance
  • gunung tahan:    mt. tahan; mount tahan
  • sungai tahan:    tahan river
  • tahan air:    water-resistant; waterproof
  • tahan api:    fire proof; fire-resistant; fireproof; fireresistant; flame resistant; flameproof; incombustible; noncombustible
  • tahan asam:    acid proof; acid-fastness
  • tahan asid:    acidproof
  • 1) waterproof, oil resistant, can be heat sealed.
    1) tahan air, tahan minyak, bisa disegel panas.
  • A. With oil resistance and high temperature resistance
    Sebuah. Dengan tahan minyak dan tahan suhu tinggi
  • Tube - Seamless synthetic rubber, black.. oil-resistant.
    Tube - Karet sintetis mulus, hitam .. tahan minyak.
  • Tube - Seamless synthetic rubber, black.. oil-resistant.
    Tube - Karet sintetis mulus, hitam .. tahan minyak.
  • 4. High fried-resistant and less oil absorption
    4. Tahan minyak goreng tinggi dan sedikit menyerap minyak
  • Oil Resistant Dirty Against Red Coat China Manufacturer
    Cina Kotor Tahan Minyak Terhadap Lambang Merah Produsen
  • Rubber Oil Resistant Conveyor Belt Images & Photos
    Belt Conveyor Tahan Minyak Karet Foto & Foto
  • Oil And Heat Resistant Conveyor Belt China Manufacturer
    Cina Belt Conveyor Tahan Minyak Dan Panas Produsen
  • Functions Anti-smashing,anti-slipping, oil resistance, abrasion resistance, insulated
    Fungsi Anti-smashing, anti-tergelincir, tahan minyak, ketahanan abrasi, terisolasi
  • 1. Anti slip, waterproof and oil resistance function
    1. Anti slip, tahan air dan fungsi tahan minyak
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5